The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition
August 25 - September 24th, 2011
Our second annual group exhibition curated by Art Spin in 2011 was at Gallery 99 (at 99 Sudbury) and featured works by:
Keith Bentley
Vuk Dragojevic
Scott Eunson
James Gauvreu
Markus Heckmann
Gillian Iles
Gareth Lichty
Sarah McCaw
Vanessa Maltese
Wrik Mead
Tom Ngo
The opening featured a wheat paste installation by fauxreel and a performance piece by Basil AIZeri and Maryam Taghavi, as well as video projections by Jerym Lynch, and an interactive video powered by a bicycle by Tim Bettridge and Maggie Chan. Live musical performances by Sean Pinchin, Rambunctious, and The Red Rhythm.

BlogTO "Art Spin helps launch new 99 Gallery on Sudbury St."
The Globe and Mail: In Other Venues
Daily Serving "Art Spin at the new 99"
InsideToronto "For-profit gallery with a non-profit spirit"
Photos by Jesse Milne

Invitation to the Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition

The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition. Photo by Jesse Milne.

A generative light installation on wood by Markus Heckmann. Photo by Jesse Milne.

'Enclosure' by Gareth Lichty. A trio of sculptural works made from orange construction fencing. Photo by Jesse Milne.

'The Mausoleum' by Tom Ngo. Pens, books and found parks. Photo by Jesse Milne.

'Really Long Lake' by James Gauvreau, an immersive sculpture that can be entered, with videos by Wrik Mead, and an installation by TH&B in the background. Photo by Jesse Milne.

works by Markus Heckmann and James Gauvreau

Keith Bentley, mixed media with horse hair.

Laser-cut installation by Scott Eunson.

'Transmission' by TH&B Collective. Burrs, radio tower, cable, satellite dishes, found objects Photo by Jesse Milne.

'I Am Not 100 Percent Sure We Can Do This' by Sarah Elizabeth McCaw. Wood, acrylic and motor. Photo by Jesse Milne.

'Eden is tempting, but not to be trusted' by Gillian Iles. Oil, acrylic and pastel on canvas. Photo by Jesse Milne.

'Wall Grid No. 2 (Studio Sculptures)' by Vanessa Maltese. Wood and acrylic paint, Photo by Jesse Milne.

Installation view of the Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

'Wall Grid No. 2 (Studio Sculptures)' by Vanessa Maltese. Wood and acrylic paint,

Kinetic sculptures by Sarah McCaw.

'This Wrinkle and Crease in Crease and Wrinkle' a 3D zootrope by Vuk Dragojevic. Photo by David Wyndham.

Performance by Maryam Taghavi.

Participants inside James Gauvreau's 'Reall Long Lake'. Photo by David Wyndham.

Viewers watch live drawing as part of Tom Ngo's installation 'The Mausoleum'.

Viewers in the exhibition.

The crowd at The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

'The Mausoleum' by Tom Ngo. Pens, books and found parks. Photo by David Wyndham.

'Plinth Action' a performance by Maryam Taghavi.

Performance by Maryam Taghavi and Basil AlZeri.

The crowd at The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

The crowd at The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

The crowd at The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition.

The crowd at The Second Annual Art Spin Exhibition with Gareth Lichty's 'Enclosure'.

Performance by Maryam Taghavi. Photo by David Wyndham.

Live wheat-pasting by Faux Reel. Photo by David Wyndham.

Art Spin organizer Layne Hinton. Photo by David Wyndham.

Participants inside James Gauvreau's 'Reall Long Lake' Photo by David Wyndham.

'Plinth Action' performance by Basil AlZeri. Photo by David Wyndham.

Sean Pinchin performing at the opening. Photo by David Wyndham.

Participants inside James Gauvreau's 'Really Long Lake' Photo by David Wyndham.

The Red Rhythm performing at the opening. Photo by David Wyndham.

Artist Tim Bettridge demonstrates his interactive and bicycle-powered video installation. Photo by David Wyndham.

Rambunctious performing outside the exhibition. Photo by David Wyndham.