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June 26th 2014


This tour began in Lamport Stadium Park with Sno Cones from Trevor Burnett at Tipicular Fixin's and Geoffrey Bercarich providing free bike tune-ups. We were led by our emcee Shamez Amlani, and special returning guest Michael Louis Johnson on the trumpet and Johnny Cairns playing tunes from his bicycle trailer sound system.

The ride was also joined by Heather Phillips' Portable Gallery Project, with a special installation by Renée Munn specifically created for the tour group. Tagging along the ride was also our Rickshaw Residency project, curated this season by Asad Raza and with Alexandra Hong and William Pemulis in the seat of honour doing some creative documentation of the event, see their final work below. The folks from Promise Events gave out their first ever Promise Culture Pack to the person with the best bicycle style.

The first stop on the tour, at Lamport Stadium, was a commissioned theatrical piece called End Zone conceived by Art Spin's own Rui Pimenta. The piece, written by Jordan Tannahill and directed by Zack Russell starred Nick Rose and Kayla Lorette as a couple having an intimate conversation about their relationship on the field, as the spectators watched from the sideline. Our second stop took us to a lot behind the Malabar warehouse on Brock Ave. for a sonic performance. The piece Underwater Sound Spin was created and performed by Darren Copeland with the help of Hector Centeno and Matt Miller. The directional speakers used by the performers bounced ambient sounds all over the site to create an immersive and disorienting sonic landscape.


The third stop on the tour was at Division Gallery to see both exhibitions currently on display and to witness a performance by Toronto Symphony Orchestra members Amanda Goodburn (violin), Sydney Shun (violin), Theresa Rudolph (viola) and Emmanuelle Beaulieu Bergeron (cello). This was a wonderful setting through which the audience got to hear two beautiful movements on strings. Thanks to Division Gallery for hosting and the TSO for partnering with us to make this happen specially for the Art Spin tour.

The tour then headed north to Carlton Park for a temporary public installation of The Lines, by Mark Prier. The work was a beautiful monument amongst the flat park landscape as we saw it in the setting sun. Our final stop took us to The Fifth Annual Art Spin Exhibition which this year took place at 108 Vine Ave in the Junction, in a fantastic warehouse space that's the largest we've ever worked with. The show, filled with sculpture, installation, video and
more, featured works by:

Karen Abel, Adam David Brown, Mitchell F. Chan, Joe Fleming, Lisa Neighbour, Heather Nicol, Kristie MacDonald, Laura Moore, Clint Neufeld, Anne O'Callaghan, Ed Pien, Lyla Rye, Alex R. M. Thompson, Jim Verburg, Michael Vickers, Marian Wihak.

With a special project from Narwhal's Kristin Weckworth including work by Noel Middleton, Carly Waito and Paul Wackers.

Many thanks go out to Digs Dorfman of the Sweet Potato and Govan Brown for their support of this exhibition. Thanks to Niki Dracos from General Hardware Contemporary, Ryan and Will for bartending and Per Se Mobile for providing their delicious fare. More thanks to Bike Pirates and to all of our other amazing volunteers who make this event possible, whether they're checking tickets, fixing bikes, marshalling the bike ride, cleaning up empties, documenting the event and more. We couldn't survive without you.


Art Spin would also like to acknowledge generous support from The D'Eon Eaton Family, Hoop Driver Bicycles, Kronenbourg and TAG Vodka, as well as the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council.

ARTISTS & Creative CollaboraTORS

Shamez Amlani, Michael Louis Johnson, Heather Phillips, Renée Munn, Asad Raza, Alexandra Hong, William Pemulis, Jordan Tannahill, Zack Russell, Nick Rose, Kayla Lorette, Darren Copeland, Hector Centeno, Matt Miller, Toronto Symphony Orchestra (Amanda Goodburn, Sydney Shun, Theresa Rudolph, Emmanuelle Bergeron), Mark Prier, Karen Abel, Adam David Brown, Mitchell F. Chan, Joe Fleming, Lisa Neighbour, Heather Nicol, Kristie MacDonald, Laura Moore, Clint Neufeld, Anne O'Callaghan, Ed Pien, Lyla Rye, Alex R. M. Thompson, Jim Verburg, Michael Vickers, Marian Wihak, Kristin Weckworth, Noel Middleton, Carly Waito and Paul Wackers.


Tagging along the ride were artists Alexandra Hong and William Pemulis, invited to the Rickshaw Residency by guest curator Asad Raza. Alexandra and William experienced and documented the tour through both analog and digital photography, including the moment when their rickshaw got a flat tire and our cycle-savvy volunteers had to jump into action, see their work in the gallery below. Thanks to our Rickshaw driver Daniel Goggin for all of the labour involved in peddling our artists around.




Thank you to General Hardware, Narwhal Gallery, and Division Gallery.

Art Spin would also like to acknowledge generous support from The D'Eon Eaton Family that helped make this tour possible.


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